Not For Credit Internships

Not For Credit Internship Photo - Career Center

Students that complete an internship that is not for academic credit can have their internship experience added to their transcript by completing a not-for-credit internship. The not-for-credit internship will appear on their academic transcript as 0 course credits but will help show future employers and graduate schools that they have gained real-world experience. For more information, check out the drop-down menus below or contact  Lauren Easom or call (478) 445-5384. 

Not-for-Credit Internship Guidelines
  • The experience must be an extension of the classroom: a learning experience that provides knowledge gained in the classroom. 

  • You must be enrolled at Georgia College. 

  • You must work a minimum of 40 hours over the course of the internship. 

  • The internship location must be approved by the Career Center. 

  • The internship work site must include a supervisor who is a professional with expertise and educational and/or professional experience that provides feedback. 

  • The experience must have a defined beginning and end. 

Getting Started
  1. Find an appropriate internship. 
  1. Meet with a Career Center staff member to provide a job description of your chosen internship to ensure it qualifies for the course. 
  1. Activate your account in Handshake and report your internship. 
  1. Contact the Career Center to register for the course or register online. 
  1. Watch for an email from the internship course instructor that provides a syllabus and further information about the online course. 
  1. Communicate with your internship course instructor via the online course and complete assignments as posted. 
  1. You and your supervisor must complete an evaluation in Handshake. 
  1. Complete a minimum of 40 hours. 
  • How to Report a Not-for-Credit Internship in Handshake 
  • Course Syllabus (Freshmen & Sophomores) 
  • Course Syllabus (Juniors & Seniors) 
Not For Credit Internship Flyer - Career Center